简介:Five months later. Sydney quits the CIA and joins a Black Ops unit called "Authorized Personnel Only" alongside Dixon, Jack, Vaughn and... Sloane whom for limited immunity is co-operating with the APO. Meanwhile, the truth Sydney found out in Wittenberg endangers her relationship with Jack, and eventually she reveals the awful truth to Vaughn: about her father having Irina murdered over a year earlier.

杰克、爱琳娜、纳迪亚、沃恩和西德妮来到满目疮痍的Sovogda。  APO,马歇尔和威斯利用黑井指令协迫俄罗斯部长交出卫星的密码,他们很快发现埃伦娜在向卫星发送数据。CIA特工Brodien提醒西德妮一行人,Rambal…
杰克回想起在维也纳,误以为爱琳娜指使刺杀西德妮而向她开枪,后悔不已。迪克松称他看见了爱琳娜,西德妮表示不相信,杰克说自己杀死的是据他以为是爱琳娜的人。  马歇尔报告发现了埃伦娜的同伙Lucien Nisard…
一个军事组织潜入DSR窃走了Rambaldi手工艺品。同时,Sophia告别西德妮和纳迪亚返回里斯本。  APO总部,杰克反对沃恩向西德妮求婚。这时一队CIA特工前来搜查他们的办公室。纳迪亚被控修改DSR的安全系统,一位特工…


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